Sunday, January 17, 2010

He's going to be enough!

Sunday evening always seems to be a great time to write and catch up with this thing. I guess I use the evening to think and prepare for what might be ahead. Each week brings its own problems and I know that compared to anyone else my problems are insignificant. Watching and reading what is going on in other parts of the world help you to put perspective back into your easy life. I can only speak from my own life and as little pain and discomfort I have ever felt in my personal life. I do know for a fact that my basic needs are met each and every day. I budget for the needs of my family and come what may. I realize more and more how really rich I am and how amazingly blessed I am. I'm not asking to be Job nor am I looking for prosperity. I simply want to live in the humility of Christ. All I am and all that I have belongs to God. I am supposed to be the steward of what God has allowed me to take care of. Which makes me more aware of the fact that if I have have more than enough then I have to earnestly seek out ways to sacrifice the money, the time, and the talents God has given me to take care of. I remember a conversation I had with someone who I consider to be wise and discerning. This person pointed out that whatever we are doing it's supposed to be to further the Kingdom. If it's not for HIM then why do it? That struck me and still strikes me on a regular basis. Right now this blog is to further the Kingdom. I do this not for myself, but for the simple fact that I want to engage others in a discussion of who God is. I'm not talking about church. I'm not talking about religion. I am talking about life, real life. I would be so bold as to say that if anyone who honestly sought out God they would find Him. I am discovering in my own salvation how much I do not know about God and who He really is. I am finding myself searching Him out and listening. As I read and as I listen I realize my relationship with Christ is a real thing. That may not make since to all, but as a follower of Jesus I sense the presence of the Holy Spirit and His leading in what I do, what I say, and how I live each daily. Now I say all of this and you may think my life is great. We'll honestly as of this moment it's not half bad. Do I stuggle? You better believe it. Do I sin? Sadly, yes! Do I have doubts? Regularly. Then what amazingly happens is God! He shows up in a way that is real. I know He has put things in my path for me to stop and to help me remember He's real and wants me. Loves me. Forgives me. That may sound trite, but isn't that what we all want; love, forgiveness, acceptance. So as this week goes and I try and fight the good fight. I know I'm going to need God to be God and that is going to be enough.