Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, Same Thing!

Hey there, I just looked at the last time I actually wrote something and I couldn't believe it. It has been two months. I could try and say I will be writing more regularly, but truth be told, I know myself better than that. In trying to get things done, I know that this will loose priority. I still think that it is important to contribute something every once in a while. Who knows, it might become something more than it is right now. Anyway on to something better...
I wanted to share some simple thoughts from this past week that seem to be a recurring theme in my life. One thing is prayer. I am involved in learning the Christian disciplines. I may have mentioned it before, but I am learning that it doesn't just happen and it's not something you can just do and check off your list. These require sacrifice. I mention prayer because I am approaching it in several different ways. I've discovered meditation and have found it to be an excellent way to approach God. I've meditated on God, scripture(s) and find it to be very centering on who and what God is. I'm using common prayers, and find that written out prayers are another great way to connect to God. Of course, I'm practicing talking to God, but I best way I am connecting is just simply listening. This requires time to do. In all of the forms that I'm practicing listening is the key. I'm not saying God is speaking to me audibly, but what I am saying is that my life is to be centered on God. I realize that in and through this time with God my other relationships are enhanced. I'm finished for now but I do want to give a link that I have come find very useful in my prayer life. Check this out!!! Hopefully I'll be writing sooner than later.