Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In fact, every Sunday morning, Christians around the world celebrate this fact. It is the reason we have church on Sunday. Do you ever consider this when getting ready each and every week? We are always quick to recognize that Easter is "The Day" in Christian history. When the women arrived at the empty tomb early that morning and being told by the angel, "why do you seek the living among the dead?" That was news. It was the best news for those who were followers of Jesus. It still is the best news, Jesus is Alive! I know that most of us probably are not thinking about about Easter except around the month of April, but I just wanted to remind those who might read this that every moment we are alive that Christ has conquered death! We join together as the body of Christ each week in our respective churches as a direct result of Jesus and His resurrection. We are His people, we are the body of Christ. When we choose to accept Jesus as Savior, when we decide to make Jesus our Lord, we are being brought into new life. We are resurrected from death and are given life eternal. The resurrection is the beginning, it's our beginning. You as a believer have life, due to Jesus. Celebrate His resurrection! Celebrate your resurrection in Christ. He has given you life, each day is Easter for the believer. Never forget that it is because of Jesus we are alive. Happy Easter!!!