Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Offering

Today I am an offering. Whether or not I make myself aware of it, I am offering something to someone, somewhere. I've listened to thousands of messages about who I'm am supposed to be, look like and act like. I think most of the time the result is simply confusion . Do I really know who I am? Do I really know who I am to be? Will I ever really be me, or a reflection of something else. Most of us I think will admit we are just a mess. We continue to just make due with what we are. The result of choice after choice. Decision after decision until we are so confused as to not know what we should do next. I hear words, I see people who are just like me. Existing! That's it, existing without knowing what to do as a result of all of the past and present thoughts and decisions. What are we to do. What am I supposed to do? What am I going to offer today. Will it be the frustration that haunts me every day. Will I just try and make it along. Or will I simply lay down who and what I am to my creator and remember that my life is an offering. That according to the Holy Scripture we are to offer our lives are to be a living sacrifice. It is the act of worship that I need to surrender to. I need to be that kind of offering I want to be. So there it is. I offer that. I offer me.