Thursday, December 17, 2009

What to Give?

What to give? I wonder how many of us have wondered about this questions much lately. I would like to think it has been a common thought due to the holiday coming up in less than two weeks. I know here at our house the shopping has been finished for awhile and I didn't go into debt doing so either. I still am thinking though, about what else to give. It shouldn't be a surprise this time of year most of us are happy to give and some try to even out give each other. I know for our family we have latched on to the idea of less is more. I'm not sure if you have heard of this thing called the Advent Conspiracy but we have embraced the idea and would hope other believers would check it out and see what it is all about, or should I say what it is not about. I could try to explain but I would rather just send you to their link and you, yes you earnestly check out what they are inspiring us all to consider and possibly do. Now go and see. Then see what you might do!

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