Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Where are the Hands and Feet?

Today I saw a video that hit me between the eyes. It was a video from Floodgate media that described what happens in the parking lot of a church after the service dismisses. As I watched I began to think about my own conversations that take place after Sunday service. The questions that I ask, the statements I make about what just took place. I know that most of them are probably selfish and pointless and don't really matter. What does matter is how my faith becomes action. When I am able to get beyond myself see what is right in front of me, then and only then do I begin to be the hands and feet I have been called to be. I Think about 1 Corinthians 13 which is known as the love chapter. It says in simple terms that if I do all there is to do that is good, but do not love, it's useless. I have learned over the years that love is an action word, a verb. There is a catch. I cannot love on my own. I know I want to be loved and that those right around are just like me in that respect.  We all want to be loved.  I can simply begin by just saying a kind word, or reaching out to help someone in need.  It's still selfish if I hope to get something from it.  I want to love without any expectation.  Without seeing what I will get out of it.  I know that this is attainable.  I do this for my wife and kids.  I just love them.  I cannot define why or how.  I just do.  I need to see all that is around me as thought they are my very flesh and blood and see their needs and respond. 


Quick little post for today.  It's still summer and I am taking it in.  Currently it's 97 degrees outside and I'm in the cool of my home.  This summer so far has been good.  Spending time with my wife and kids, trying to get a few projects finished.  It's so tempting to do nothing.  Don't really have anywhere to be and getting motivated can seem difficult at times.  Everything I need to do costs, and I'm really not in any position to spend.  I know there are things to accomplish this week and am aiming to do so.  Wish me luck!!!