Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Where are the Hands and Feet?

Today I saw a video that hit me between the eyes. It was a video from Floodgate media that described what happens in the parking lot of a church after the service dismisses. As I watched I began to think about my own conversations that take place after Sunday service. The questions that I ask, the statements I make about what just took place. I know that most of them are probably selfish and pointless and don't really matter. What does matter is how my faith becomes action. When I am able to get beyond myself see what is right in front of me, then and only then do I begin to be the hands and feet I have been called to be. I Think about 1 Corinthians 13 which is known as the love chapter. It says in simple terms that if I do all there is to do that is good, but do not love, it's useless. I have learned over the years that love is an action word, a verb. There is a catch. I cannot love on my own. I know I want to be loved and that those right around are just like me in that respect.  We all want to be loved.  I can simply begin by just saying a kind word, or reaching out to help someone in need.  It's still selfish if I hope to get something from it.  I want to love without any expectation.  Without seeing what I will get out of it.  I know that this is attainable.  I do this for my wife and kids.  I just love them.  I cannot define why or how.  I just do.  I need to see all that is around me as thought they are my very flesh and blood and see their needs and respond. 

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