Monday, October 5, 2009

All In!

What is it going to take to be a true follower of Jesus? As I was reading Matthew 19 I see the cost that is presented to a young man. I was wondering how many of us have ever put ourselves in the place of that young man and answered the question posed. I am sure we have asked what the cost of following Jesus is? We come to a saving faith and then begin our journey in Christ. We hear of those who have been delivered from sins, habits, etc... How often to we hear that when someone accepted Christ they literally gave up everything they owned, were and followed Jesus. I am grappling with the fact Jesus has called me to follow Him and yet what am I, or have given up, in order to follow Him. Yes, I continue to repent and seek forgivness. I give time and money. I am trying to raise a family of Christ followers. I still believe that the cost is greater than this and I want myself and my family to be all in. There's a song that comes to mind by the band RelientK entitled Give. The prayer is simply give, give, give, until there's nothing left and even then give even more. I know that I am still trying to figure this out and what I looks like. God help me to not walk away sorrowful, having not been able to be All In.

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