Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm Beginning to See

Just the other day our family was out and about after school trying to get home and out of the rain. We happened to come across a woman who was in need and we gave her some assistance. During the experience a realization hit me. This is my "neighbor." I know that in the situation it didn't seem like much, but she thanked us for helping, but something inside was still stirring. I don't know how to describe it except that I desired to do more. This feeling I know was coming out my relationship with Christ. I was seeing with new eyes and a new heart for those who are in need of the love of Christ. I don't mean they need to come to church or that they need me to preach to them. They need the love that comes right out of scripture. Love is PATIENT, love is KIND...etc... I was experiencing something that was beyond human nature, or even the love that I have for others. It was Christ loving through me. My eyes are beginning to see and my ears are beginning to hear Christ. I am seeing this world for what it is...Fallen and in desperate need of grace and mercy that can only come when I lay down my "life" and allow Christ to move my hands and feet to do His will. I understand that my steps are purposeful. Each one of them is designed to bring glory to the one who gave Himself for me. A song comes to mind...have thine own way Lord, have thine own way, You are the potter I am the clay, mold me and make me, after Thy will, while I am waiting yielded and still. In those moments when I see with clarity and hear Jesus speak I pray I will get out of the way and let Him move.

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