Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Way is the way to Go!

Interesting week. Today is Saturday the last day of the week. I could say that this week has been eventful, but in reality it was just stuff. The best part of this week was spending a day with my wife and thinking and praying about what God wants to do with the rest of our lives. She and I are hearing and trying to follow after what God desires for us as individuals, as a couple, and as a family. We are making sweeping changes in our routines and realizing that no matter where we are or what we are doing it is to bring Glory to God. We want to be people pointing others to Jesus. Using this forum is a tool that allows me to share with you, the reader, how and who God is to me and my family. Jesus has opened our eyes and we see that there is definitely more to this life than the status quo. We are understanding that being believers is more than church membership. We are literally the body of Christ. We understand that evangelizing is every believers calling. It it the great commission. We understand that the world in which we live in is not our home. We are aliens and strangers in a foreign land. We know that we are to be set apart. We are a peculiar people living in the knowledge that God is all, knows all, and that His will is for us to have relationship with Him. We can encounter Jesus every single day when we just follow the greatest commandment. People will see Jesus when we produce the fruits of the Spirit. The world will not understand us. Even many church members will not understand it. Christ will make Himself known to us. He will join us. His Holy Spirit lives in those who know Him. If we are to be His followers. If we are to be His workmanship. If we are to be His servants. We must deny ourselves. We must give up our will. Our desires must match His. Our will must be His. Simply put, our lives in Christ our not our own. We believe with our lives that Christ has transformed us. He is sovereign. God wants all of us. We are apart of the Way. We follow after Christ.

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