Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lord, Here I Am?

It is late and I need to get to bed. Before I do so, I had a thought or two. I am trying to be a Christ follower in this world in which I live. I desire to serve the Lord with all that I am. My wife desires for our family to serve Christ with all we are. This world in which we live needs Christ. He is what we need for all our desires. I am realizing that I really don't need much in this world. The world for me has become dull. My eyes are looking beyond what is in front of me and see a world that hasn't a clue who Jesus really is. What He came here for. Why His gift of salvation is so precious and yet so costly. I am dying slowly but surely from this culture in which I live. In fact I'm sort of in culture shock. I am seeing what God wants from me and am beginning to give it to Him. I literally feel as though I am at the edge of the cliff waiting to jump in to the unknown. I want to have the faith just to step off. I am looking for avenues in which to serve as a believer of Jesus and His word. I want to live out the scriptures that are challenging me and changing me, killing what was and making something new. God is calling and I want to answer with my life. Lord, here I know the rest.

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