Saturday, October 10, 2009


Since my last entry I have been thinking of a word: Servantship. Now I know that my spell check just highlighted it and to be frank, I made it up. For a reason. So often I find that we are always wanting power and influence in our lives. We reason that if we get these things that people will somehow begin to listen to us and that will change the world. When I read scripture, the only one with the power is God, Himself. The only one with influence is again, God alone. I would say that when I allow myself to follow the greatest commandment of Jesus I am truly not in control. I am letting the Holy Spirit guide me. God uses the Spirit through me to do what it truly supernatural. It is done so God gets the glory. I would say that I really don't want to be the leader, but simply the follower and have God be Himself leading in my life. He alone can to mighty things. Jesus can accomplish the will of the Father by my obedience to serve and be the vessel I am called to be. God I believe is looking for servants. He wants us to serve Him. This allows His will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. The Kingdom of God becomes reality in the lives of those who seek to serve. I think of how the disciples were called. They left everything this world had to offer just for a chance to serve. Now they asked about who was the greatest and where they would sit in relationship to Christ. Jesus Himself said that "But whoever would be great among you must be your servant." So, in my opinion, we should be living our lives to serve others so that God may be glorified in and through us. Of course then comes the question. What does that mean for me? I know for myself, I am learning that everyday I must choose to serve Christ. Whether it be to my family, friends, or even total strangers. I must choose this day who I will serve. I've got be sure I am looking beyond myself and looking to serve those who are in need of Jesus. I mean whatever that might look like. To all it will simply be the Gospel of Christ. Be it listening, feeding, watching, helping, giving, sacrificing, etc... The Gospel of Christ IS the Good news. The hope of heaven, right here, right now! Jesus, please let me serve so that You may be the good news. Amen!

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