Sunday, October 18, 2009

Who is your God?

Who is your God? May sound like a silly question, but really, who or what is the one thing that you wake up thinking about? What is the thing that consumes your thoughts? What is it that makes you burn with passion? I have spent most of my life giving lip service to my God, yet serving other gods each and every day. Do you really think about what and whom you are serving? What are you thinking about right now? What have you been looking at before reading this and even after? What takes up most of your time? Today we really don't want to call them gods or idols, yet they are. It could be t.v., your job, sex, money, power etc... The list could go on and on with the people and things that get your attention. I know that as I said before God has not always been number one and unfortunately I need daily reminders that this life is not my own. It's not as though people purposefully choose to serve other gods, they get caught up in the illusion that whatever it is will bring them satisfaction, fulfillment, and happiness. I know I could even read this and think that I'm alright, yet I know if allowed I can make anything my god. Whatever you treasure, whatever has your heart, That is what or who you live for. That is your God! Scriptures are quite clear about idol worship. It's not allowed for the believer. It's not allowed for the follower of Christ Jesus. Still we choose daily to give our time, money, heart, love to things or others that are not of God. So I simply ask the question again, Who is your God? I pray you serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Having given your life over to Him. Allowing Him to be the treasure you seek. To give all of who you are to Him and His service. In doing so you will have life, not what we may think of in this world, but life that is transforming, precious, glorifying God, the one true God.

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