Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dirty Hands?

Are my hands getting dirty? Who am I serving? Jesus makes a point to say that the last shall be first. In Matthew 20 Jesus states that He came to serve. Therefore I must follow in His example. I must be His servant. For years we have read and heard about having purpose in our lives. God has ordained what my life will be. I know He has placed situations, people, problems etc... in order for me to become what He wants. I know that I have a purpose which I believe is the will of God. To know Christ and to make Him known. I believe that I am on a daily basis trying to live out this thing we call a relationship with Jesus. I am reading and praying and listening to what it is God wants from me. I honestly believe I hear Him speaking to my spirit in and through His word that I need to get into the nitty-gritty of this thing called discipleship and start putting it into practice. I'm ready, Lord "willing." Jesus want us to be great, but that simply means I must serve.

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