Sunday, October 4, 2009

Can I be compassionate?

It's been a little wet today here. Right now I'm just thinking about what I have been reading. Today at church we were in Luke 7 where Jesus raised a young man from the dead. Something that stuck out was that they stated that Jesus had compassion on the woman/mother and the peoples response was that God had come to visit his people. God is more than good. God wants to visit each and everyone of us. He has compassion on us. Jesus Himself is our compassion saving us from ourselves. He has raised us from the dead(those who have repented from their sins and have accepted His gift of salvation.) We are raised, made alive in Christ Jesus alone. Not only are we alive but we are also to have compassion on those around each and everyone of us. Our spouses, children, coworkers etc... We are to be the Kingdom of God here on this earth. Living out the gift of salvation. God wants to show us Himself and be in relationship with Him. We must come to Him and allow His grace and mercy to be not only for us, but for everyone what we come into contact with. Now I say all of this not for you who might read it but for me to realize that I need to remember this story and remember how God has saved me from myself and that I continually need to "work out my salvation with fear and trembling." I need to have the same compassion on all of those around me and continue to allow God to change who I am so that there is none of ME left. Simply put I want to not only know Christ but to live out His salvation. In this, my life will simply point people to Him who is my all in all.

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