Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Art of Us All

Over the past week I have stayed up way too late, haven't been reading a whole lot, and did take part in little artwork. I took the an opportunity to feast my eyes on a few great pieces of art via the Internet. The Google Art Project page has before your eyes artwork from many different museums from around the world. From the National Gallery to the Palace of Versailles you are transported from your living room into the world's preeminent museums. I was gazing at the Van Gogh page and found a piece that drew me to do a little artwork myself. This allowed me to reach back and remember how much I really love fine art. I remember over a year ago I spent a few hours at our fine arts museum here in town and was mesmerized at what I saw there. The collection of portraits from over the past few centuries are quite incredible in detail. I know that I could easily spend hours just looking and pondering how these artists took simple elements and were able to fashion them into a masterpiece. I then begin to get a tiny glimpse of what my creator has done. Fashioning out of nothing, a world in which life can exist. The details and brushstrokes taken to make this world a place of beauty and amazement. I cannot deny that God is real. We, his creation, continue to create things of amazement and beauty whether or not we believe in His existence. I love it that art and music move me. I love it when nature causes me to pause and wonder. I love it when I am able to use devices and things that make life a little easier. They are all created things. We are all created things. Simple elements designed to demonstrate the eminence of God. The Psalm says it best...
The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
(Psalm 19:1 ESV)

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