Friday, March 16, 2012

Reading The Gospels

Something I try to do is to regularly read through the gospels, that is, the first four books of the New Testament. Most believers I know of can easily name these book written by the men who were called by Jesus and then followed Him through His earthly ministry. They even experienced Jesus after the resurrection and went on to write their account of the ministry and life of Christ Jesus, Himself. They continued even beyond that and helped to spread the good news until their deaths at the hands of men.
The reason I began to do this was simply to get a better picture of Jesus. I have been a believer for many years and have read through the bible many times. I had memorized verses and know how to share with someone how to become a follower of Christ. I had been reading for study and solidifying what I believe.
Upon reading each of gospel books I began to see a time and a place and a context that could not be accomplished by reading a chapter here and there, or even memorizing particular verses. It was kind of like a pop-up book experience. The things I began to see were much more than words on a page. This life that Jesus was living literally changing the course of history. Everyone He encountered did not walk away the same. I know that when I spend my time reading and listening to these words I am also not the same. When the gospel can be summed up in a sentence and everything in this world can be better for it, I find that to be good news. If you are person who reads and wants to hear some good news, read the gospels and discover the man whom I call the Christ, the Lord!
On the side there is a link to the ESV Bible. Click there and check out what the good news is all about. If you like this please let me know my leaving a comment and share with your friends and family.

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