Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Write, Read, Write Some More

Today I'm just being a little silly. A few years ago I began this blog and since that time I really haven't written a whole lot. This month I've written more entries than I have in the past two years combined. I decided that If I was to keep this thing, I've got to do something with it. I honestly do enjoy writing. I do not claim to be a great writer. In fact, in college, my wife (then girlfriend) helped edit my papers so that when I turned them in I would get them back without bleeding to death. I like to think that I've gotten better at putting thoughts on paper or cyber-paper as this is. I do think that the more you do something, you get better at it. Practice, practice, practice they say. I figure that at the pace I going there might be a legitimate thought coming soon. I guess it also might have something to do with reading. I'm not into novels, but I find myself reading way too many articles and blogs throughout the day. When writing, I also sort of pretend that I'm really speaking out loud. Before I post I read what I've written a few times to make sure I don't sound too stupid. The point is, I'm really enjoying the privilege of putting my thoughts down and maybe, just maybe someone might read and get something out of it. That's why I'm always reading and looking for information. Trying to gain insight into the world in which I find myself. I would encourage anyone who is thinking, that should include a sizable majority of the population, to write and let some of those thoughts out for others to hear. You never know how it might encourage someone or even help them in understanding their immediate world and the one beyond them. If nothing else, I find it therapeutic and just fun. Happy Writing!!!

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