Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Just Don't Fit In!

Does this somehow identify you? I grew up in a home with a mom and dad. Went to Sunday school each week. In fact, was picked up by the church bus each week. I had a good sense of right and wrong. I gave my older sister as much grief as I possibly could. Other than that, I was a good kid. Didn't look for trouble and tired my best to not to get into any. For the most part I saw myself as a clean cut kid.
As the years went on, I went to school, went to church and even decided to follow Jesus. It was a normal, expected response in the world in which I lived. Throughout those years I just tried to be the good son and live out my faith to the best of my ability. I knew even then I just didn't fit in. I wasn't really that interested in being bad. Now, I'm not going to lie, I did things that were an afront to what I believed. I just had a way of hiding it, and hide it I did. Even through all of that, I still didn't fit the mold.
Enter in around ten years or so ago. After working full time and part time in church work I began to wonder about my faith. I had already endured some unpleasant experiences with those within the community of faith and struggled to reconcile what I believed with what I encountered. I continue to wonder why I just don't fit in.
After reading through the gospels over and over I began to see a picture of a man who just didn't fit in. Wherever he went and whatever he did there were people who either followed him or tried to frame him. I believe the church, that is the body of Christ, somehow forgets they just are not supposed to fit in. They are supposed to be set apart. Not in some creepy way, but in a way that shows the love of God. Everyone needs and wants to be loved. That is what God offers and that is what the church is to be offering to this world. Who can argue with that? God wants to offer you love and life! Who isn't attracted to that? Is that what we offer in our relationships? In this world, that just doesn't make any sense! So, at one time, not fitting in seemed to be a problem. Now I see this as exactly where I need to be. Right where I don't fit in!

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