Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What do you believe?

Do you ever consider what you really believe? I think that everyone who might read this post believes something. Think about this for just a moment. You go about life reading things that are supposed to enlighten you. We have all spent quite a few years being educated in some fashion or another and come away with a set of beliefs. The earth is round, the sky is blue(at least sometimes,) and microwaves cook food from the outside in. You get my point, right?

I know for me I grew up learning from everything around me. I have my parents teaching me about how to be and behave. I have my teachers instructing me on how to read, write and do a little math. I go to church and am instructed on Moses and the burning bush, Noah and the Ark, and Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. These are not all the things I've learned about but if I am mentioning these things they must have had some kind of impression on me.

This leads me back to the question what do you believe? There is an ancient document that has been passed around for centuries referencing a set up basic Christian beliefs. It is known as the Apostles' Creed. I recently looked this up online as to the origin and discovered not only where, but approximately when and the variations of even it. I think it is interesting that even a document that is the basic Christian belief has more than one version. So, here I am reflecting on what I believe about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That right there tells you I am a Trinitarian. I do believe that God created the world in which I live in. I do believe that my salvation come from the forgiveness of sins through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus my Lord. I believe that there is nothing I could ever do to make myself right before God. I need the gift of salvation offered to me by Jesus' sacrifice. I cannot ever get to God, He came to me. Offering life. Throughout the gospels the same story happens over and over again. Jesus offering someone life.
This has to mean something and have some impression on us all. I know you've probably heard this but what was time refered to as the time before Jesus? B.C. before Christ. Then we now have A.D. or Anno Domini, the year of our Lord. Here is a Man who literally split time on our calendars.
I could go on and on, but I'll leave you with this for now. I know whom I believe in and He is able...etc... What do YOU believe in? Do yourself a favor and freshen up on what and who you are at your core. My hope is that Jesus is Lord, and if not, read the gospels and find out for yourself who this man is. If you have questions or comments be sure to leave them for me.

Till next time,

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