Saturday, March 17, 2012

On a Date

Yesterday I had the wonderful privilege of taking one of my daughters out on a date. As a father I really enjoy those moments when I can have some one on one time with each of my children. This time, of course, I was with my second daughter. Now, what constitutes a date? Well, I took her to see a movie she has been dying to see and afterwords I asked her where she would like to eat. It took her a while to settle on a place, but she managed. It wasn't to complicated nor did we discuss everything going on. We really just the time hanging out. I think every child needs to know they are precious. I know that these opportunities are far too rare. I get to hear whats going on with her and really try to listen. I don't know if you have children, but if you do, spend time with them. They need us for more than just making sure their rooms are clean and that they take a bath. They need us to show them how to love and care for one another. I also think of the future when some boy comes a calling. I want her to know what a gentlemen looks and sound like. Each and every time I get these opportunities I have another chance to show her what unconditional love. I don't expect anything from her. I just want her to know that she is important to me and that I will make the time for her. Children are only on loan, so I've been told. I got to be sure I invest all I can in her and the rest of my children so they know their daddy loves them. Make the time and take the opportunity to love your children and remember what a true gift of God they are.

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