Thursday, March 15, 2012

I Have A Dream!

When you hear that title I would think most people would think about Martin Luther King Jr. I remember I first time I listened to the whole speech back in college. It was inspiring, thought provoking, and humbling all at the same time. Here was a man who was trying to live out a dream to see all people treating one another with respect and dignity. Using the most powerful weapon known to man, LOVE!
I cannot say I know all there is about MLK Jr. I wouldn't pretend to be some sort of expert on all he said and did. The things I got from listening and reading about this man made me think about the very world in which I find myself in. Do I have a dream? If so, what is it? Am I even trying to live out any sort of dream or am I just wondering through life, going along till one day I keel over and die?
It has been quite a few years since first listening to that speech. I know that since that time I have achieved some of the dreams that were on my mind at the time. I got married to my lovely wife, I am the proud father of three beautiful children and I get to spend time with my family each and every day. I still have unrealized dreams and truth be told it disappoints me that I let some of them go. Now what?
I think the biggest killer of dreams is simply fear of failure and time itself. Fear is a killer of so many things, but it is necessary. If we never fail, we never learn. Time appears to never be on our side. I have found that some of the time I lost was spend doing things that will pay for themselves in the years to come. So, the dreams continue. I will continue to try and not give in to fear and see them come true. On the other hand others honestly, some need to die.
I have a dream. I have lots of dreams. If fact I am in the process to seeing some of them become reality. It may take some time and I'll probably make my share of mistakes, but I will see them through. So, until then, keep dreaming!

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