Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Offering

Today I am an offering. Whether or not I make myself aware of it, I am offering something to someone, somewhere. I've listened to thousands of messages about who I'm am supposed to be, look like and act like. I think most of the time the result is simply confusion . Do I really know who I am? Do I really know who I am to be? Will I ever really be me, or a reflection of something else. Most of us I think will admit we are just a mess. We continue to just make due with what we are. The result of choice after choice. Decision after decision until we are so confused as to not know what we should do next. I hear words, I see people who are just like me. Existing! That's it, existing without knowing what to do as a result of all of the past and present thoughts and decisions. What are we to do. What am I supposed to do? What am I going to offer today. Will it be the frustration that haunts me every day. Will I just try and make it along. Or will I simply lay down who and what I am to my creator and remember that my life is an offering. That according to the Holy Scripture we are to offer our lives are to be a living sacrifice. It is the act of worship that I need to surrender to. I need to be that kind of offering I want to be. So there it is. I offer that. I offer me.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Vacation is over:(

Just got back from vacation and am feeling the weight of what's next. I began thinking about this coming week with all of the things I'm going to need to do. It's a mixed bag. I'm excited and a bit overwhelmed at the same time. I have a flood of ideas coming through my mind and feel the need to jot them down as to not completely forget what could be. There is definite work to be done, and I'm not sure about the hours I have to prepare. There are meetings to attend, things to move and plans to be finished. All in all, I'm not even close to being ready to start. I guess I'd better get going and do something productive today so that when Monday comes I'll at least feel I was prepared for that. :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A decision has been made!

Today is Sunday August 12th. This morning my daughter went forward to make public her decision to become a follower of Jesus. I figured I would mark the occasion by writing down this decision and sharing it with the world as I know it. She has been expressing her desire to know Jesus, and I have been asking her questions regarding what she thinks it means to be a Christian. I am confident in what God is doing in her, and I am excited to be a part of her baptism. I always believed this day would come, and I am praising the King of Kings for allowing me the opportunity to be her father and to share Christ with her directly and indirectly through our lives together. Her decision is the greatest one she will ever make. She now begins a journey that will take a lifetime to experience.

Friday, August 10, 2012

I'm with the band

Not really, but it's something I'm trying to get started. Over the years I've written music and have had the opportunity to play with many great musicians. Getting a group together and playing shows and venues would be down right fun. Music has been just that, fun! Why not make it public. So as I stated on my Facebook status, I want to start a band and put together some tunes and hopefully have some people listen. Let me know if you are really interested and let's make some music!!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

What went through his mind?

Today I listened to the story of Abraham and Issac. I understand that Abraham was listening to God and followed the instructions given to him.  I really kind of wonder what was Issac thinking? He is being obedient to not only God but also his earthly father. He was willing to lay his life on the alter so that the will of God would be fulfilled. I am amazed at his willingness to surrender all of who he is to see his earthly father obey God. As a child of an earthly father I wonder if I would allow myself to lay down my physical life so that he would be able to obey a request of the Lord.  I see a parallel of God doing the very thing with Jesus Christ. God sacrificing His son so that relationship could be restored with His creation. I know it's not exactly the same thing but God being obedient to Himself so that restoration would be accomplished though His son Jesus.
I know from an early age I was taught by my parents the importance of being obedient. Sometimes I understood why I needed to listen and do as instructed, but there has been those other times that just didn't make sense until after the fact. As a parent I see the the lessons being revealed to me. I see the point of following through.  I am thankful that God has afforded me the opportunity to see Himself revealed and listen and do as He would have me to do. I'm thankful to Abraham's story and to his son who was so willing to obey.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Where are the Hands and Feet?

Today I saw a video that hit me between the eyes. It was a video from Floodgate media that described what happens in the parking lot of a church after the service dismisses. As I watched I began to think about my own conversations that take place after Sunday service. The questions that I ask, the statements I make about what just took place. I know that most of them are probably selfish and pointless and don't really matter. What does matter is how my faith becomes action. When I am able to get beyond myself see what is right in front of me, then and only then do I begin to be the hands and feet I have been called to be. I Think about 1 Corinthians 13 which is known as the love chapter. It says in simple terms that if I do all there is to do that is good, but do not love, it's useless. I have learned over the years that love is an action word, a verb. There is a catch. I cannot love on my own. I know I want to be loved and that those right around are just like me in that respect.  We all want to be loved.  I can simply begin by just saying a kind word, or reaching out to help someone in need.  It's still selfish if I hope to get something from it.  I want to love without any expectation.  Without seeing what I will get out of it.  I know that this is attainable.  I do this for my wife and kids.  I just love them.  I cannot define why or how.  I just do.  I need to see all that is around me as thought they are my very flesh and blood and see their needs and respond. 


Quick little post for today.  It's still summer and I am taking it in.  Currently it's 97 degrees outside and I'm in the cool of my home.  This summer so far has been good.  Spending time with my wife and kids, trying to get a few projects finished.  It's so tempting to do nothing.  Don't really have anywhere to be and getting motivated can seem difficult at times.  Everything I need to do costs, and I'm really not in any position to spend.  I know there are things to accomplish this week and am aiming to do so.  Wish me luck!!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In fact, every Sunday morning, Christians around the world celebrate this fact. It is the reason we have church on Sunday. Do you ever consider this when getting ready each and every week? We are always quick to recognize that Easter is "The Day" in Christian history. When the women arrived at the empty tomb early that morning and being told by the angel, "why do you seek the living among the dead?" That was news. It was the best news for those who were followers of Jesus. It still is the best news, Jesus is Alive! I know that most of us probably are not thinking about about Easter except around the month of April, but I just wanted to remind those who might read this that every moment we are alive that Christ has conquered death! We join together as the body of Christ each week in our respective churches as a direct result of Jesus and His resurrection. We are His people, we are the body of Christ. When we choose to accept Jesus as Savior, when we decide to make Jesus our Lord, we are being brought into new life. We are resurrected from death and are given life eternal. The resurrection is the beginning, it's our beginning. You as a believer have life, due to Jesus. Celebrate His resurrection! Celebrate your resurrection in Christ. He has given you life, each day is Easter for the believer. Never forget that it is because of Jesus we are alive. Happy Easter!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Write, Read, Write Some More

Today I'm just being a little silly. A few years ago I began this blog and since that time I really haven't written a whole lot. This month I've written more entries than I have in the past two years combined. I decided that If I was to keep this thing, I've got to do something with it. I honestly do enjoy writing. I do not claim to be a great writer. In fact, in college, my wife (then girlfriend) helped edit my papers so that when I turned them in I would get them back without bleeding to death. I like to think that I've gotten better at putting thoughts on paper or cyber-paper as this is. I do think that the more you do something, you get better at it. Practice, practice, practice they say. I figure that at the pace I going there might be a legitimate thought coming soon. I guess it also might have something to do with reading. I'm not into novels, but I find myself reading way too many articles and blogs throughout the day. When writing, I also sort of pretend that I'm really speaking out loud. Before I post I read what I've written a few times to make sure I don't sound too stupid. The point is, I'm really enjoying the privilege of putting my thoughts down and maybe, just maybe someone might read and get something out of it. That's why I'm always reading and looking for information. Trying to gain insight into the world in which I find myself. I would encourage anyone who is thinking, that should include a sizable majority of the population, to write and let some of those thoughts out for others to hear. You never know how it might encourage someone or even help them in understanding their immediate world and the one beyond them. If nothing else, I find it therapeutic and just fun. Happy Writing!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Few Steps Forward, A Lot of Steps Back!

This almost seems like a way of life. I get started, feel a good pace, then some great wind comes along and blows me further back than where I began. Do you ever feel that way? I am realizing that no matter how much I think I can do, I really am at the mercy of being human. There in lies the problem, self. I don't care how great a person you are, your self usually is the one that gets you into trouble. I'm glad, in one respect, to realize this and be able to recognize it when it begins to happen. Now, I don't always catch it right away. Sometimes I really make an a%# out of myself before I can get a clear picture of what is happening. I typically feel remorse and frustration. I'm not too good to get down right angry and stupid. Maybe I'm headed in the right direction knowing these things. But, why do I find myself doing this over and over again? Back to self. Is there ever going to be a solution to this? I doubt it. I recognize that I am fallen. I also know that I am not my own anymore either. I find it best to stop trying to be in charge. I really don't have anymore control than the next guy. I do know the one who is in control and as I read it, has it all figured out for me. All I am asked to do is blindly trust and willingly obey. Sound like too much? As I see it, I don't really see at all, I make choices and decisions which I feel are directly related to whether or not I'm listening to self or the Spirit. I hope each day that I deny my self enough to allow the Spirit to lead my mind and soul to be the person God, Himself intended me to be. And in those moments, which usually turn into days, when I am only thinking of myself and my wants I'll begin to get back. I'll begin today, then tomorrow and the next day by doing those things that I know are more than about me. Another step forward towards something beyond me. I think doing so is more than a step, it's reaching out in faith and that is the step I'm willing to take.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Art of Us All

Over the past week I have stayed up way too late, haven't been reading a whole lot, and did take part in little artwork. I took the an opportunity to feast my eyes on a few great pieces of art via the Internet. The Google Art Project page has before your eyes artwork from many different museums from around the world. From the National Gallery to the Palace of Versailles you are transported from your living room into the world's preeminent museums. I was gazing at the Van Gogh page and found a piece that drew me to do a little artwork myself. This allowed me to reach back and remember how much I really love fine art. I remember over a year ago I spent a few hours at our fine arts museum here in town and was mesmerized at what I saw there. The collection of portraits from over the past few centuries are quite incredible in detail. I know that I could easily spend hours just looking and pondering how these artists took simple elements and were able to fashion them into a masterpiece. I then begin to get a tiny glimpse of what my creator has done. Fashioning out of nothing, a world in which life can exist. The details and brushstrokes taken to make this world a place of beauty and amazement. I cannot deny that God is real. We, his creation, continue to create things of amazement and beauty whether or not we believe in His existence. I love it that art and music move me. I love it when nature causes me to pause and wonder. I love it when I am able to use devices and things that make life a little easier. They are all created things. We are all created things. Simple elements designed to demonstrate the eminence of God. The Psalm says it best...
The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
(Psalm 19:1 ESV)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

On a Date

Yesterday I had the wonderful privilege of taking one of my daughters out on a date. As a father I really enjoy those moments when I can have some one on one time with each of my children. This time, of course, I was with my second daughter. Now, what constitutes a date? Well, I took her to see a movie she has been dying to see and afterwords I asked her where she would like to eat. It took her a while to settle on a place, but she managed. It wasn't to complicated nor did we discuss everything going on. We really just the time hanging out. I think every child needs to know they are precious. I know that these opportunities are far too rare. I get to hear whats going on with her and really try to listen. I don't know if you have children, but if you do, spend time with them. They need us for more than just making sure their rooms are clean and that they take a bath. They need us to show them how to love and care for one another. I also think of the future when some boy comes a calling. I want her to know what a gentlemen looks and sound like. Each and every time I get these opportunities I have another chance to show her what unconditional love. I don't expect anything from her. I just want her to know that she is important to me and that I will make the time for her. Children are only on loan, so I've been told. I got to be sure I invest all I can in her and the rest of my children so they know their daddy loves them. Make the time and take the opportunity to love your children and remember what a true gift of God they are.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Reading The Gospels

Something I try to do is to regularly read through the gospels, that is, the first four books of the New Testament. Most believers I know of can easily name these book written by the men who were called by Jesus and then followed Him through His earthly ministry. They even experienced Jesus after the resurrection and went on to write their account of the ministry and life of Christ Jesus, Himself. They continued even beyond that and helped to spread the good news until their deaths at the hands of men.
The reason I began to do this was simply to get a better picture of Jesus. I have been a believer for many years and have read through the bible many times. I had memorized verses and know how to share with someone how to become a follower of Christ. I had been reading for study and solidifying what I believe.
Upon reading each of gospel books I began to see a time and a place and a context that could not be accomplished by reading a chapter here and there, or even memorizing particular verses. It was kind of like a pop-up book experience. The things I began to see were much more than words on a page. This life that Jesus was living literally changing the course of history. Everyone He encountered did not walk away the same. I know that when I spend my time reading and listening to these words I am also not the same. When the gospel can be summed up in a sentence and everything in this world can be better for it, I find that to be good news. If you are person who reads and wants to hear some good news, read the gospels and discover the man whom I call the Christ, the Lord!
On the side there is a link to the ESV Bible. Click there and check out what the good news is all about. If you like this please let me know my leaving a comment and share with your friends and family.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I Have A Dream!

When you hear that title I would think most people would think about Martin Luther King Jr. I remember I first time I listened to the whole speech back in college. It was inspiring, thought provoking, and humbling all at the same time. Here was a man who was trying to live out a dream to see all people treating one another with respect and dignity. Using the most powerful weapon known to man, LOVE!
I cannot say I know all there is about MLK Jr. I wouldn't pretend to be some sort of expert on all he said and did. The things I got from listening and reading about this man made me think about the very world in which I find myself in. Do I have a dream? If so, what is it? Am I even trying to live out any sort of dream or am I just wondering through life, going along till one day I keel over and die?
It has been quite a few years since first listening to that speech. I know that since that time I have achieved some of the dreams that were on my mind at the time. I got married to my lovely wife, I am the proud father of three beautiful children and I get to spend time with my family each and every day. I still have unrealized dreams and truth be told it disappoints me that I let some of them go. Now what?
I think the biggest killer of dreams is simply fear of failure and time itself. Fear is a killer of so many things, but it is necessary. If we never fail, we never learn. Time appears to never be on our side. I have found that some of the time I lost was spend doing things that will pay for themselves in the years to come. So, the dreams continue. I will continue to try and not give in to fear and see them come true. On the other hand others honestly, some need to die.
I have a dream. I have lots of dreams. If fact I am in the process to seeing some of them become reality. It may take some time and I'll probably make my share of mistakes, but I will see them through. So, until then, keep dreaming!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Just Don't Fit In!

Does this somehow identify you? I grew up in a home with a mom and dad. Went to Sunday school each week. In fact, was picked up by the church bus each week. I had a good sense of right and wrong. I gave my older sister as much grief as I possibly could. Other than that, I was a good kid. Didn't look for trouble and tired my best to not to get into any. For the most part I saw myself as a clean cut kid.
As the years went on, I went to school, went to church and even decided to follow Jesus. It was a normal, expected response in the world in which I lived. Throughout those years I just tried to be the good son and live out my faith to the best of my ability. I knew even then I just didn't fit in. I wasn't really that interested in being bad. Now, I'm not going to lie, I did things that were an afront to what I believed. I just had a way of hiding it, and hide it I did. Even through all of that, I still didn't fit the mold.
Enter in around ten years or so ago. After working full time and part time in church work I began to wonder about my faith. I had already endured some unpleasant experiences with those within the community of faith and struggled to reconcile what I believed with what I encountered. I continue to wonder why I just don't fit in.
After reading through the gospels over and over I began to see a picture of a man who just didn't fit in. Wherever he went and whatever he did there were people who either followed him or tried to frame him. I believe the church, that is the body of Christ, somehow forgets they just are not supposed to fit in. They are supposed to be set apart. Not in some creepy way, but in a way that shows the love of God. Everyone needs and wants to be loved. That is what God offers and that is what the church is to be offering to this world. Who can argue with that? God wants to offer you love and life! Who isn't attracted to that? Is that what we offer in our relationships? In this world, that just doesn't make any sense! So, at one time, not fitting in seemed to be a problem. Now I see this as exactly where I need to be. Right where I don't fit in!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What do you believe?

Do you ever consider what you really believe? I think that everyone who might read this post believes something. Think about this for just a moment. You go about life reading things that are supposed to enlighten you. We have all spent quite a few years being educated in some fashion or another and come away with a set of beliefs. The earth is round, the sky is blue(at least sometimes,) and microwaves cook food from the outside in. You get my point, right?

I know for me I grew up learning from everything around me. I have my parents teaching me about how to be and behave. I have my teachers instructing me on how to read, write and do a little math. I go to church and am instructed on Moses and the burning bush, Noah and the Ark, and Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. These are not all the things I've learned about but if I am mentioning these things they must have had some kind of impression on me.

This leads me back to the question what do you believe? There is an ancient document that has been passed around for centuries referencing a set up basic Christian beliefs. It is known as the Apostles' Creed. I recently looked this up online as to the origin and discovered not only where, but approximately when and the variations of even it. I think it is interesting that even a document that is the basic Christian belief has more than one version. So, here I am reflecting on what I believe about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That right there tells you I am a Trinitarian. I do believe that God created the world in which I live in. I do believe that my salvation come from the forgiveness of sins through the sacrifice of Christ Jesus my Lord. I believe that there is nothing I could ever do to make myself right before God. I need the gift of salvation offered to me by Jesus' sacrifice. I cannot ever get to God, He came to me. Offering life. Throughout the gospels the same story happens over and over again. Jesus offering someone life.
This has to mean something and have some impression on us all. I know you've probably heard this but what was time refered to as the time before Jesus? B.C. before Christ. Then we now have A.D. or Anno Domini, the year of our Lord. Here is a Man who literally split time on our calendars.
I could go on and on, but I'll leave you with this for now. I know whom I believe in and He is able...etc... What do YOU believe in? Do yourself a favor and freshen up on what and who you are at your core. My hope is that Jesus is Lord, and if not, read the gospels and find out for yourself who this man is. If you have questions or comments be sure to leave them for me.

Till next time,

Monday, March 12, 2012

Back to the Blog

I'm back to begin writing again on this blog thing. I know that I have been quite absent, but am working to reverse that trend tonight. This morning I was reading another blog by Frank Viola about self righteousness. I shared the link on both Facebook and Twitter. I'm not sure if you are familiar with this author, but I would recommend checking him out and taking at gander at his site. If you have not read anything by him I would recommend the book Jesus Manifesto. If you subscribe to his blog there are some benefits. Now, enough about that.

In the near future I promise to put more original thoughts up here. Right now I'm a little distracted by the fact it is getting late and my thoughts are fading fast. Good night, all!!!